Managing your team (Admin only)

As a group admin, you can add new users to your group, projects, and spots.

Difference between roles

Group Admins

Group administrators have access to all of the features and functionality for their group. They can:

  • Add, edit, and remove users; including other group administrators.
  • Create, edit, and delete projects, spots, forms, and form data.
  • Create events for projects, and moderate other users posts.
  • Edit the group settings.

Group admins also receive an email notification when a new user requests access to their group.

Approved users (volunteers):

If a user is not an admin, when they are added to a group they have access to:

  • Submit data for projects they have been added to, and view their own submitted data.
  • If form editing has been enabled, they can also edit and delete their own submitted data in the web app.
  • Make discussion thread posts for projects they have been added to.
  • Add comments to posts and events for projects they are added to, and RSVP for events.

Pending users:

Pending users do not have access to the group yet. Any new user that requests access to the group and/or projects will show in the Pending user tab until they are approved.

Adding new users

To view new users, follow these steps:

  1. First log into the app and select a group.
  2. Then, in the left sidebar, press Team
  3. Then, click on Add user.
  4. Enter the first name, last name, and email address of the user you would like to add, then press Invite user

By default, when a user is added they are added as a user with no access to groups or projects. To change their access, follows the steps below.

Approving new users

When a new user requests access to the group and/or projects, they will show in the Pending user tab until they are approved. Follow these steps to approve them:

  1. First log into the app and select a group.
  2. Then, in the left sidebar, press Team
  3. Click on the Pending Users tab.
  4. Find the user you would approve, and press Edit.
  5. Tick the Approve checkbox to approve their access.
  6. Add the user to the projects and spots you would like to give them access to.
  7. Finally, press Update user.

Editing users access

To edit the access of a user, follow these steps:

  1. First log into the app and select a group.
  2. Then, in the left sidebar, press Team
  3. Find the user you would like to edit the access of, and press Edit.
  4. Edit their access, and then press Update user to save your changes.

Removing a user from your group

To remove a user from your group, follow these steps:

  1. First log into the app and select a group.
  2. Then, in the left sidebar, press Team
  3. Find the user you would like to remove, and press Edit.
  4. Press Remvoe user and then confirm.