Submitting Data

Most projects use The Conservation Hub to submit field data. If you would like to learn how to submit your first form record on The Conservation Hub, or how to simplify submitting data to project, follow the steps below.

Before you go out onto the field

Follow these steps and checks before going out to the field:

  1. If you're venturing out to a remote location, always keep safe. Check your phone is charged enough for the whole trip, and let someone know where you are going and when you expect to be back.
  2. Make sure you have been added to the group and project you would like to submit data to before you go. If you need to record data against spots, make sure you have been added to those as well.
  3. Open the mobile app and log into The Conservation Hub before you leave the house. If on the field you expect to have no signal, it's a good idea to open the form you are wanting to submit before you leave; what this will do is sync the latest copy of any external data you need so that it's available when you are offline.
  4. If this is your first time submitting a form, read any instructions or health and safety warnings your group has shared with you on the form page.
  5. We also recommend for first time users testing submitting mock data at home first. This will help you understand how the mobile app works and reduce troubleshooting/issues on the field. Your mock form data can be deleted by either yourself or a project administrator.
  6. When you get back, if you have been offline while recording data make sure to connect to your wifi and open the mobile app to sync your offline form records.
  7. If you have been saving your form data as drafts, it will not show on the web app until you submit them. Open the form on your mobile app, open the draft you would like to submit, scroll down to the bottom of the form, and press Submit.

Submitting your first form record

  1. Open the mobile app and press My Hub at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select the project you would like to submit data to.
  3. Select the form you would like to submit data to.
  4. On the form page, you can see information about the form and your past form submissions. To submit a new record for this form, press New Form at the bottom.
  5. Fill out your form's fields. If you are unsure of what any form fields are meant to capture, please contact your group or project coordinator for clarification.
  6. When you are finished with your form, scroll down to the bottom of the page and press Submit.

Form drafts

When submitting a form, you can save and come back to it later by pressing Close and Save as Draft at the botom of the app. When you save a form as a draft, you will see your drafts on the form page above your submission history. To open and finish a form draft, press Open Draft. Once a draft is submitted, it will appear from your Form Drafts area. You can also delete a form draft by pressing Delete Draft, but please be aware this will permanently delete any form data recorded against that draft.

Duplicating form records

You can duplicate previous form records you submitted to quickly recreate and submit new data. To duplicate a previous form record, go to the form page on the mobile app, and under Submission History press Duplicate Form under the form record you would like to copy.